Semantic elements are important to communicate the function of different elements.
6, h1 through h6
Sup is used for superscript - For example exponents in math, the th in 25th,
Sub is for subscript - For example the 2 in H2O
The “title” element must be added to provide the full expansion of the term.
CSS can be applied to HTML by
An external style sheet (preferred)
An internal style sheet
Inline styles
Inline styles should be avoided because it is more difficult to read and understand, and because it is more difficult to update because any changes will need to be made in multiple locations within the document.
h2 { color: black; padding: 5px; }
A CSS declaration is a property with a value. So, color : black; is a declaration, as is “padding : 5 px;”.
The property is the identifier within the declaration. So, color and padding are both properties.
A string
Addition operator (or subtraction, multiplication, and division)
Assignment operator (=)
Strict equality operator (===)
Bang operator (!)
An example of a real world problem that can be solved with a function is to multiply any 2 given numbers.
An if statement checks a conditional, and if it evaluates to true, then the code block will execute.
An “else if” is used if you want to combine more than two conditions.
< or >, less than and greater than
<= or >=, less than or equal to and greater than or equal to
===, strictly equal to
The logical operator “&&” denotes that both parts of the condition must be true for the condition to evaluate to true.
The other logial operator (which messes with my formatting when I try to put it here) denotes that either part of the condition may be true for the condition to evaluate to true.