The alt attribute is used in case an image cannot be displayed due to slow internet.
It might also be used by a visually-impaired user who cannot see the image.
In case the link to the image is mispelled or broken.
In case the browser being used doesn’t support the image type (ex Lynx)
For the text to be picked up by search engines (Search Engine Optimization)
In case the user has images turned off, especially for users with slow internet
Add meaningful alt tags
A figure element can be used for images, as well any self-contained content such as as diagrams
A gif image is a short, repeating moving image like an animation or a silent video clip.
A svg image is a type of image that you can make bigger or smaller and it won’t lose its quality. This type is used for logos and diagrams where the quality is very important.
PNG is best as it doesn’t get fuzzy as easily as JPEG. A JPEG might lose the ability to read the text in the image.
The foreground colors are used in the words that you read on the screen. The background colors are what is behind the words.
I would give all elements used in the site colors. I like to use a site like this one to find or create a color palette that I like. I then try to choose dark colors for background and lighter color for foreground elements (or vice versa) to make sure they stand out. You can also upload an image to pull colors from if there is a specific theme you want to use.
When choosing fonts, it is important to choose fonts that are web-safe (available for all commonly-used browsers). It’s also important to consider Font style, font weight, text transform, and text decoration. The fonts chosen should convey the style you are going for, and more importantly be readable on any device.
Font-size determines how large the text elements are.
Font-weight determines how thick (bold) the lettering is.
Font-style determines if italics (slant) are turned on or off.
Two ways to add spacing around characters are:
letter-spacing: This sets the spacing between letters.
word-spacing: This sets the spacing between words.
The figure element. This is one that I have not used before.
Font choices. I know there is a lot to know here and people have pretty strong opinions, but I don’t know much about this area at all.