
Reading 9 - Forms and JS Events

HTML Forms

Source: MDN, Your first form

Q1 Why are forms so important in web development?

Forms are important because they are one of the main points of interaction between a user and a website or application. They allow users to input data, which is usually either sent to a web server or used on the client-side immediately to update the interface.

Q2 When designing a form, what are some key things to keep in mind when it comes to user experience?

Source: Smashing Magazine, UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Form (Part 1)

Q3 List 5 form elements and explain their importance.

Source: MDN, How to structure a web form

Learn JS

Source: MDN, Introduction to events

Q4 How would you describe events to a non-technical friend?

Events are user interactions that you write your code to prepare for, such as a user clicking a button.

Q5 When using the addEventListener() method, what 2 arguments will you need to provide?

Source: w3, HTML DOM Element addEventListener()

Q6 Describe the event object. Why is the target within the event object useful?

The event object is an object that contains information about the event that has occurs.

The target tells you which HTML element was interacted with and triggered the event.

Q7 What is the difference between event bubbling and event capturing?

Event bubbling describes how the browser handles events targeted at nested elements. Event capturing is like event bubbling but the order is reversed: so instead of the event firing first on the innermost element targeted, and then on successively less nested elements, the event fires first on the least nested element, and then on successively more nested elements, until the target is reached.

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