100’s = Informational. These update the user of the status or expected result of the request.
200’s = Success. The request was successful, or at least successful so far.
300’s = Redirection. The user needs to send another request to another location.
400’s = Client error. There was an error on the user’s end that caused the request to be invalid.
500’s = Server error. The server encountered an error or wasn’t able to fulfill the request.
Accepted. Used for async, this means the request was successful so far, but the response will finish in the future.
Permanent redirect. Another URL is needed to access the resource.
204 - No Content
410 - Gone
403 - This means the client doesn’t have the required permissions
Because it is sensitive information that should be kept hidden
Code that runs when the server gets a request, but before it gets passed to routes
Lets the server accept json as a body
The / means the root, the : signifies a parameter, and id means one
Patch updates just the information that is passed Put updates all
Add a key-value pair where the key is “defaut” and the value is whatever the default value should be. For example, default: Date.now
A 500 error means the the error was on the server end, not the user end.
200 is default success message, means everything is successful. 201 means successfully created an object, more specific
Of the things that we’ve been using, which things come from express and are not native to vanilla javascript?